The inner liner is a rubber compound bonded to the inside of the cord body that retains air under pressure. It has no cord reinforcing and function as an inner tube in a tubeless tire.
It is extruded Butyl or Halobutyl rubber sheet compounded with rubber additives. A key property of inner liner is low air permeability as it functions as inner tube.
A typical Inner Liner formulation contains a Butyl Rubber / Halobutyl Rubber and Reclaim Rubber.
Inner liner compounds are formulated to minimize permeation of air through the tire carcass. Compound properties and gauges (thickness) as well as the temperature and inflation pressureimpact on the permeation rate.
Compared to other grades of Reclaimed Rubber there is low air
Less masticating with easy incorporation
Improved Extrusion Quality & Rate with better control on Dimensions
Good tack in compound
Reduction in splicing defects
Reduced Power Consumption